Ministry Outreach Page
In the community...
Operation Gratitude
Are you interested in making Prayer Shawls 4 Fallen Soldiers' families? If so, go to the following website for details: Prayer Shawls for Fallen Soldiers' Families Contact: Please also consider donating shawls to your local Veteran's Home |
"Sheila's Shawls"
The Silent Witness National Initiative invites you to honor Sheila Wellstone and her tremendous work in reducing
domestic violence in our country. She was tragically killed in a plane crash with Senator Paul Wellstone on October 25, 2002.
Remember Sheila by knitting a healing shawl for a mother or sister of a woman who was murdered in domestic violence.
Sending Troop's Prayers Website
A ministry that offers prayer cloths and shawls to those
serving in the armed forces
or who are veterans
Please send finished prayer shawls to OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE, a volunteer group
that collects homemade quilts and prayer shawls to send to military and combat
hospitals in Iraq. This group also delivers to the Fisher House at Brooke Army
Medical Hospital at Fort Sam-Houston in San Antonio, TX, and to Ft. Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska:
Attention: Peggy Baker
Operation First Response, Inc
20037 Dove Hill Road
Culpeper, VA 22701
For more questions, email Peggy at:
Supporting our Nation's wounded Heroes
Please be sure to tag your name and address and attach to the corner of the
quilt so the recipient knows who the maker is. This allows the recipient or
one of their family members to send a note to you if they choose.
The Wings Cancer Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 organization providing a collaboration of services free of charge where cancer patients and their families can find information, understanding, compassion, and hope. Cancer is a unique disease that attacks the mind, body, and spirit. Wings embraces the whole person, not just the disease, and our services include a lending library, a labyrinth, nutritional counseling, exercise and yoga classes, crisis intervention, as well as support groups and a weekly prayer circle.
Our prayer shawl ministry has grown out of the desire to combine the healing power of prayer with the healing ministry of human touch. At Wings, we enfold each person in genuine loving concern and envision each shawl extending that “hug” and bringing comfort and solace even when we’re not physically present. We’re looking for knitters/crocheters to help us meet this need. Finished shawls should be approximately 24 x 65 inches to provide a warm and comfortable wrap. Please send finished shawls (with your name included so we can put it on the card) to: WINGS PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Wings Cancer Foundation 1588 Union Avenue Memphis, TN 38104 901.322.0447 Questions can be addressed to the above phone number or to *Due to limited resources, we are unable to take individual requests for prayer shawls. |
Please consider donating shawls to the patients at the
Hispanic Clinic at the Connecticut Mental Health Center (CMHC) in New Haven
For more information contact: Mary Dansinghani, MDIV
Chaplain/Coordinator of Spiritual Services
Connecticut Mental Health Center
Yale University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
34 Park Street
New Haven, CT 06519
Mother's United Against Violence
Founded in 2002 by Mrs. Henrietta Beckman and Rev. Henry Brown with the purpose of
supporting families who have lost a loved one to violence in Hartford (CT).
MUAV Mission Statement:
MUAV is a voice of hope in the face of violence, drugs, poverty by providing advocacy by, and
education in, the community in the spirit of faith, love and solidarity.
Unfortunately, 25-30 people are murdered in Hartford each year. The Step Up, Step Out: End
the Culture of Violence group (SUSO) at Asylum Hill Congregational Church (AHCC) would like to
support the outreach ministry of Mothers United Against Violence by providing prayer shawls
to families in Hartford when they lose a loved one to violence. AHCC's prayer shawl ministry
welcomes contributions of shawls from other Hartford prayer shawl ministries to help meet this
need. If you would like to be involved, please contact Patti Beckett (SUSO member at AHCC) at
860-633-6147 or
In the world...
The families of Beslan, Russia, have been overwhelmed by grief since the siege of their
school on September 4, 2004. Over 200 people, mostly children, were killed that day.
Our hearts break with theirs.
At the 2004 Gathering of Prayer Shawl Ministries in Hartford, Connecticut, individuals
and whole ministries became part of an ad hoc Prayer Shawl Ministry to knit shawls
for these Russian families. By word of mouth (actually, by email), knitters of different
denominations across the U.S. reached the goal of 200 shawls.
This collaborative effort was organized by members of the United Parish, Lunenburg, Mass.,
St. Anselm’s Catholic Church, Cleveland, Ohio
Click here for the latest news and photos
"Peace Shawl Warms Iraqi Hearts"
Past and On-going outreach Shawl Ministries
Sandy Hook Elementary School Newtown, CT (December 2013)
Community outreach in response to the July 2011 shooting in Utoya, Norway
Pictured below is a newsletter from Knitting People Together, South Liverpool, England
(click on image to enlarge)
Burnside City Uniting Church, South Australia, Outreach - Christchurch, NZ Earthquake Victims 2011
Prayer Shawls 4 Fallen Soldiers
PS4FS - Dover Project - On-going - Starting in October 2009 - Prayer Shawls are
offered to families who chose to attend the Dignified Transfer of their loved one at Dover Air Base.
The Respite Unit at Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust - Hillcrest South Africa
The Women's Support Program at CRMHC (Capitol Region Mental Health Center - Hartford, CT)
Hispanic Center - CMHC at Yale University New Haven, CT
Shawls for victim's families and friends of - Flight 3407 Plane Crash - 2009 - Charence, NY
Virginia Tech Community
ISMRD - International Advocate for Glycoprotein Storage Diseases
Operation First Response
Pennsylvania Amish Community - Fall 2006
Sending Troops Prayers Website
Lone Survivor and families of victims of Conair Flight 5191 - Lexington, KY September 2006
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
National Naval Medical Center
Prayer Shawls for the sick at Hartford Hospital
Wings Prayer Shawl Ministry - Memphis, TN
Communities of Melville and Tallmansville, West Virginia - 2006 Coal mining tragedies
Uganda Women's Center
Maseno, Kenya - Mercy Home Orphanage
United Kingdom Territory - Salvation Army
Mwanga, Tanzania - HIV/AIDS Orphans and Widows
Victims of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita
Habitat for Humanity
Race for the Cure
Jerusalem Peace Shawls
Sheila's Shawls and Paul's Scarves
Email us your Ministry Outreach
Please contact groups before sending out your donations
Please visit our "In The News" for articles about the Shawls.